Couroupita sp, Stephania hernandiifolia (Willd.) Walp., Piper nigrum L.
Scientific Name: Couroupita sp, Stephania hernandiifolia (Willd.) Walp., Piper nigrum L.
Local Name: Digke chupal (5 gram), Dikge nagre a.pu (5 gram), Nagre bolpang (1 leaf), Bolma ribu/ (5 gram), Dikge ribu (5 gram), Sam kusim/ (5 gram), Eksera (inside fruit 5 gram), Longmuris/Clove (5-7 seed), Gulmoris /(7 seed), Dalchini/Cinnamon (4-5 gram), Dikge ta
Used Parts: Rhizome
Dosage administered: Internal (By drinking) External (By massaging). For Child/Adult/ Old-Twice a day
Preservative/ Methods of Preservation Used: Washed all the ingredients used and grind them into a paste. Paste is dissolved in water and drink.
Shelf life of the Formulation: 1 Year
Toxicity /Side Effects of the Formulation: No Side Effects
Diseases Treated: Epididymitis
Theme: Traditional Treatment- Conditions
Sub Theme: Epididymitis