
Climate of the middle: understanding climate change as a common challenge
Author(s): Siegmann A
This volume brings together the insights of a number of scholars who each write from their own expertise about climate change and its consequences for society at large. Some of them are descriptive, explaining the most recent insights in human behaviour and perception of climate risks.

Sustainable use of biological diversity in socio-ecological production landscapes
Author(s): BĂ©lair C, Ichikawa K, Wong BY L, Mulongoy KJ (eds.)
This document is a collection of case studies and articles that address how relationships between humans and nature function in socio-ecological production landscapes around the world. The examples highlight the various physical structures, management techniques and governance systems that characterize these landscapes, as well as the benefits they provide for biodiversity and human well-being, the threats they currently face, and ways to address these threats.

International agreements and processes affecting an international regime on Access and Benefit Sharing under the Convention on Biological Diversity: implications for its scope and possibilities of a sectoral approach
Author(s): Andersen R, Tvedt MW, Fauchald OK, Winge T, Rosendal K, Schei PJ
The report provides information of importance for identifying the scope of an international ABS regime, and offers contributions to the discussion of the usefulness and possible design of a sectoral approach to ABS within the framework of an international regime.

Intellectual property rights, biodiversity and traditional knowledge monographs on globalisation and India
Author(s): CUTS International
This report starts with a brief account of different types of IPRs, including a brief overview of the WTO TRIPs agreement. It focuses on biodiversity and relationship with the IPR regime. The benefits of biodiversity and the Convention on Biological Diversity have been explained. The relationship between the CBD and the WTO TRIPs agreement has been analysed, including comparing the relevant provisions of these two regulatory regimes.

Biodiversity and culture: exploring community protocols, rights and consent
Author(s): Swiderska K, Milligan A, Kohli K, Shrumm H, Jonas H, Hiemstra W, Oliva MJ
This special issue of Participatory Learning and Action explores two important participatory tools that indigenous people and local communities can use to help defend their biocultural heritage against these pressures and threats, and assert their rights over resources and traditional knowledge.

Wise use: indigenous approach to inland wetland management- best practices
Author(s): Singha R
This paper evaluated the issues and indigenous approaches governing flood plain wetland under tropical climatic environment of wetland cluster in Assam, Northeast India.

Overview of national and regional measures on access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing: challenges and opportunities in implementing the Nagoya Protocol
Author(s): Medaglia JC, Perron-Welch F, Phillips FK
This report examines relevant laws and policies, and their provisions on scope, prior informed consent, mutually agreed terms on benefit-sharing, compliance, and monitoring and enforcement, as well as any access agreements that have been granted or relevant experience gained in the implementation of ABS measures. It also presents a discussion and conclusions on the main legislative challenges to implementing the Protocol.

State of the worlds forests 2011
Author(s): Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
This biennial report provides an insight on the role of forests in creating sustainable livelihoods and focuses on four key areas - regional trends on forest resources, development of sustainable forest industries, climate change mitigation and adaptation & the local value of forests.

Nepal fourth national report to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Author(s): Government of Nepal, Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation
The Nepal Biodiversity Strategy (NBS) is an important tool for implementing the provisions under CBD. It serves as an overall framework for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and biological resources through the management of habitat, species and genetic diversity in the country.

Global Biodiversity Outlook 5
Author(s): Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
The fifth edition of Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO-5) is a final report card on progress against the 20 global biodiversity targets agreed in 2010 with a 2020 deadline, and offers lessons learned and best practices for getting on track. Towards a landmark new global post-2020 biodiversity framework: GBO-5 synthesizes scientific basis for urgent action.