Research Papers/Articles

Protecting and Promoting Traditional Knowledge in India: What Role for Geographical Indications?
Author(s): Pant, Ruchi
This paper explores the opportunities and challenges associated with the use of geographical indications (GIs) to promote biocultural products in the market. Biocultural products are produced using traditional knowledge (TK). They are typically unique to a geographical area and are derived from the particular biological resources, traditional knowledge and cultural values and practices associated with the landscape – which make up the `biocultural heritage’ of indigenous peoples and local communities.

Role of Traditional Ecological Knowledge on Field Margin Vegetation in Sustainable Development: A Study in a Rural-Urban Interface of Bengaluru
Author(s): Nautiyal S, Goswami M
This study attempted to understand and document the uses of Field Margin Vegetation (FMV) by farmers and related traditional knowledge in rural-urban interface of Bengaluru, India. The agricultural landscape under study was found to be rich in FMV species belonging to 43 families. These species are used for a variety of purposes by the people l living in the rural-urban fringe of the northern transect of Bengaluru.

Integration of Cree traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) into the revegetation process of the Eleonore mine tailings storage facility
Author(s): Kadiatou Cissé MK, Keeling A, Guittonny M, Bussière B
This research analyzes the process of TEK integration into the Eleonore TSF revegetation planning by documenting the Tallyman of VC-29′s TEK integration into the mine TSF revegetation process through a “co-design approach”. Results indicate that the Quebec government recommends but does not require mining companies to integrate TEK in reclamation planning.

Assessing the State of Traditional Knowledge at National Level
Author(s): Mistry J, Jafferally D, Xavier R, Albert G, Robertson B, Benjamin R, Mendonca S, Ingwall-King L
The study presents the status of traditional knowledge in Guyana at the national level. It adopts indicators to assess the perception of the status of traditional knowledge through participatory video used by Indigenous people to reflect and provide solutions. The study aims to inform decision-making through collective narratives by Indigenous peoples.

Traditional Knowledge for Climate Change Adaptation in Mesoamerica: A Systematic Review
Author(s): Mardero S, Schmook B, Calmé S, White RM, Chang JCJ, Casanova G, Castelar J
Local traditional knowledge makes important contributions to climate change actions and policy by observing changing climates, adapting to impacts, and contributing to global mitigation efforts. As a response to increasing climate change challenges, smallholders create new hybrid knowledge by combining traditional and western perspectives. This knowledge evolution will support greater resilience to climate change but may hasten cultural erosion and exacerbate social inequalities in the region unless efforts are taken to maintain cultural integrity.

Traditional Agroecological Knowledge and Practices: The Drivers and Opportunities for Adaptation Actions in the Northern Region of Ghana
Author(s): Yeleliere E, Yeboah T, Antwi-Agyei P, Peprah P
This paper analyzed traditional agroecological knowledge and practices and their adaptation opportunities to address climate change and promote the existence and sustainability of local innovation. It highlights traditional agroecological knowledge and practices drawn from the long-term experience and technical capabilities of smallholder farmers themselves.

Weaving the Links: Traditional Knowledge into Modern Science
Author(s): Ray S
This paper provides the perspectives of the web links from an Indigenous world and the modern science view. Integrating the Indigenous knowledge into modern science and addressing the gaps in the traditional knowledge for science-policy assessments should be set as a high priority.

Assessing the Effectiveness of Community Managed Forests for Plant Diversity Conservation in Meghalaya, Northeast India
Author(s): Mir AH, Sarma K, Upadhaya K
The present study was conducted to assess the plant diversity and identify the community forests for priority conservation in Khasi Hills of Meghalaya. The conservation priority map generated in the present study will help to concentrate the protection strategy to the demarcated and adjoining areas and help conservationists and planners to evolve effective strategies for conservation of the community forests.

Forests & Trees: At the Heart of Land Degradation Neutrality
Author(s): United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
The brochure compiles the initiatives of undertaken by countries, leaders, communities and businesses in response to the e existential threat of Land Degradation at all levels, from global to local. The concept of Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) is an important part of the international response. Supported by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and embedded in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development under SDG target 15.3, LDN provides a unique framework for governments to measure degradation, design appropriate responses, and monitor progress.
Clinical Relevance and Application of Traditional Complementary and Alternative Medicine for the Management of Diabetes and Hypertension on the African Continent, 2000-2017: A Narrative Review
Author(s): Frimpong E, Nlooto M
The aim of this study was to find clinical relevance and use of TCAM in the management of diabetes and hypertension on the African continent. To achieve our aim Google scholar, web of science, Pub-med and Cochrane library electronic databases were searched for the period 2000-2017 using specific keywords related to the study.