Fostering gender-transformative change in sustainable forest management: a case study of DGM Indonesia
Publication Year: 2022
Author(s): Canpolat E,
The DGM Indonesia (DGM-I) country project focuses on improving clarity and security of land rights for Indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs), as well as improving livelihood opportunities from sustainable forests and land. In implementation since March 2017, with 63 subprojects either in implementation or completed, there are ample opportunities for detailed examination of a particular DGM-I subproject. This can offer insight into whether and how DGM projects are influencing women’s participation and leadership on the ground, and can also provide an indication of the extent to which the project may be influencing broader social and gender norms in Indonesia. The conceptual framework for this study follows a stepwise, yet flexible and dynamic, progression toward gender transformative change. The framework begins by assessing the inputs that the DGM project provides to beneficiaries, such as assets, information, skills, and capacity building. This assessment looks at what types of inputs are provided, as well as to whom and how they are provided.
Source of Publication: World Bank
Country: Indonesia
Publisher/Organisation: World Bank
Rights: World Bank
Theme: Traditional/ Indigenous Knowledge | Subtheme: Gender