Meghalaya Traditional
Knowledge Portal


IKS-TKDL Workshop-4

  • Event Cordinator : Ministry of Education
  • Venue : Online Mode
  • Event date : April 08, 2024 - April 12, 2024

The Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS) Division of the Ministry of Education in collaboration with CSIR-Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (CSIR-TKDL) is going to organise the fourth IKS-TKDL Workshop on Traditional Knowledge - Intellectual Property & People's Rights (Online Mode).

2024 NASPA Annual Conference: Indigenous Engagement

  • Event Cordinator : NASPA—Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education
  • Venue : Seattle, WA
  • Event date : March 09, 2024 - August 13, 2024

If you are joining the 2024 NASPA Annual Conference in person, your presence in this place, named for Chief Si’ahl of the Suquamish and Duwamish Tribes and now known as Seattle, should be coupled with the labor and context of how you came to occupy this place, and your relationship with and to this land. If you are joining the NASPA Virtual Experience, the same work can and should take place with regard to the place where you live and learn. 

EGM: Indigenous Peoples In A Greening Economy

  • Event Cordinator : United Nations
  • Venue : University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado USA
  • Event date : January 23, 2024 - January 25, 2024

The overall objective of the expert group meeting is to mobilize attention and action to more fully integrate the distinct needs and priorities of Indigenous Peoples based on their diverse views of poverty, well-being, and sustainable development in the 2030 Agenda.

Documenting United Nations mechanisms/bodies or others that support the transition to a green economy while considering the rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Identifying key considerations based on sustainability and human rights-approach when transitioning to a green economy.
Assessing structural/institutional barriers that prevent the participation of Indigenous Peoples in sustainable development processes. 
Identifying Indigenous-led initiatives for a just and sustainable transition, acknowledging the importance of both the technological and scientific tools but also traditional and ancestral knowledge of Indigenous Peoples.
Preparing policy recommendations for all relevant stakeholders.

9th International Conference on Natural Products and Traditional Medicine "Unlocking Natural Products for a Sustainable Future"

  • Event Cordinator : Pulsus Conference
  • Venue : Rome, Italy
  • Event date : December 14, 2023 - December 16, 2023

“9th International Conference  on Natural products & Traditional medicine” held during December 14-16, 2023 in Rome, Italy provides an opportunity to meet up with esteemed individuals from both industry and academia and establish a scientific network between them. The outcome of this international conference will be an excellent experience where the best expression on the most remarkable points is exhibited by pioneers.Natural Products 2023 Conference is for the noble convention of Doctors, researchers, Professors, Practitioners of Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Homeopathy , Naturopathy, Siddha, Unani and students of Medicine and Pharmacy, business magnates and technocrats to exhibit their research and orate about new innovations, improvement and progresses in the fields of Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Holistic Medicine, Preventive Medicine, Unani Medicine and Traditional Medicines, advancement in treatment of various disorders and diagnosis or relieving symptoms of diseases.Traditional medicine has become favoured as a prime source of various healthcare services, chiefly in underdeveloped and developing countries. Natural Products conferences 2023 is also going to ascend by understanding the global natural medicine market by unlocking natural products for sustainable development opportunities,the value of traditional medicines segmented according to their types, sources, application, end-users and geography and to remain helpful to the welfare of mankind in the present and future generations.

International Conference on Traditional Medicine, Ethnomedicine and Natural Products “Natural Healing in the Contemporary World ”

  • Event Cordinator : Longdom Group
  • Venue : Park Inn by Radisson Amsterdam City West ,Paris,France
  • Event date : December 12, 2023 - December 13, 2023

Traditional Medicine is an age-old scientific field constantly evolving and has laid many milestones in different research sectors. The major applications are in environmental, agricultural, healthcare, drug discovery, food technology, and many more. To stay updated with the current research findings in these fields, Longdom Conference extends immense pleasure to join the “International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Ethnomedicine”. This will be one of the leading Traditional Medicine conferences scheduled for September 14-15, 2023 in Amsterdam Netherlands. This Traditional Medicine and Ethnomedicine conference Traditional Medicine and Ethnomedicine conference will be focusing on the theme “Natural healing in the Contemporary World.

Regional Consultation Meeting for Sustainable Food System Transformation

  • Event Cordinator : United Nations Environment Programme
  • Venue : Doha, Qatar
  • Event date : November 27, 2023 - November 28, 2023

This workshop will bring together key stakeholders from governments, particularly ministries and authorities dealing with water, environment, agriculture, and industry from 12 countries in West Asia.The purpose of the workshop is to discuss and solicit feedback on the draft strategy for sustainable food system transformation in West Asia, identify the national priority actions and key stakeholders and mechanism for collaboration. 

4th International Hybrid Conference on Traditional & Alternative Medicine "Exploring New Horizons In Traditional & Alternative Medicine"

  • Event Cordinator : Organizing Committee Member of the 4th International Hybrid Conference
  • Venue : Chennai, India
  • Event date : November 23, 2023 - November 24, 2023

"4th International Hybrid Conference on Traditional & Alternative  Medicine " held during November 23-24, 2023 in Chennai, India. The theme of this congress is "Exploring New Horizons in Traditional & Alternative Medicine". The researchers in the field of Herbal and Traditional Medicine, Acupuncturists Phytomedicine, Ayurveda, Pharmacognosy, Naturopathy, botanists, choice, and correlative remedy specialists are welcome,people who have confidence in trademark answers for exploring their examination, logical examinations and experts of a normal drug. Alternative and Traditional medicine fundamentally covers all parts of present-day and predictable clinical research in the field of Proteomics, Chemistry, Pharmacology, security, quality control, metabolomics, sub-atomic component, genomics, clinical investigations of conventional Chinese, Arabic, Unani, and Ayurvedic medication. Herbal Traditional principle moto is to address the difficulties in making a more secure, reasonable, and moderate framework for prescription, and well-being through solidifying the supporting Medicine Practices investigation stages. Traditional Medicine Conference 2023 speculates numerous agents including widespread keynote locations and oral presentations by renowned speakers and production presentations by Herbal Exhibitions, understudies, and delegates all around the world.

Improve the Social and Emotional Wellbeing of First Nations Australian, Māori and Pasifika People at the Indigenous Wellbeing Conference.

  • Event Cordinator : The Australian & New Zealand Mental Health Association
  • Venue : Darwin Convention Centre, Larrakia Country, NT
  • Event date : October 30, 2023 - October 31, 2023

The Indigenous Wellbeing Conference: Celebrates Indigenous community, culture and identity to help advance social and emotional wellbeing for all First Nations Australian, Māori and Pasifika people. Highlights the importance of connection to country, culture, spirituality and ancestry and the roles they play in wellbeing for all First Nations Australian, Māori and Pasifika people. Brings together Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples to conceptualise and strategise solutions to the most important wellbeing needs of all First Nations Australian, Māori and Pasifika people.

Preparatory Committee of the Diplomatic Conference to Conclude an International Legal Instrument Relating to Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge Associated with Genetic Resources

  • Event Cordinator : World Intellectual Property Organization
  • Venue : Geneva, Switzerland
  • Event date : September 11, 2023 - September 13, 2023

Key agenda of the event includes: Decisions of the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (IGC) Special Session, Draft Final Clauses for the Instrument to be considered by the Diplomatic Conference, Draft Rules of Procedure of the Diplomatic Conference, List of States and Observers to be invited to the Diplomatic Conference and the texts of the Draft Letters of Invitation etc.

Sixth Annual Conference on Native American Nutrition: Resurgence of Indigenous Foodways

  • Event Cordinator : University of Minnesota
  • Venue : Mystic Lake Center, Prior Lake, Minnesota
  • Event date : September 10, 2023 - September 12, 2023

This is the only conference series in the world devoted to the food and nutrition of Indigenous Peoples. The Sixth Annual Conference on Native American Nutrition will bring together tribal and community leaders, nutrition and wellness educators, researchers and students, health practitioners, government officials, funders, and others to discuss the current state of both Indigenous and academic scientific knowledge about Native food systems, food sovereignty, nutrition, and health, and will identify new areas of work. The most cutting edge information will be presented, and networking, community building, and the formation of new collaborations among the attendees will be encouraged and facilitated.